
Python - Code Style

This document summarizes our standard code styling tools for Python codebases.

Our code style guidelines include linting and formatting. All the following should automatically be checked as part of the CI of all repositories.



For linting, we use pylint.

Install and configure

To use it, the package must be added to requirements/ci.txt. Note thatpylint-django must also be added for Django projects. To do so, add the following lines to requirements/ci.txt and replace the targeted version with the latest one available.


Add the following lines pyproject.toml. Note that some lines mentioning django are only needed for Django projects.

load-plugins = ["pylint_django"]
ignore = [
django-settings-module = ""


Now you can run pylint and resolve any linting issues you will encounter ; either in a virtual environment, in your docker image or directly in the CI:

pylint --recursive=y .


For code formatting, we use two tools:


Install and configure

To use black, the package must be installed by adding the following line to requirements/ci.txt:


Paste the following lines to pyproject.toml to configure the tool:

exclude = '''
  | \.hg
  | \.mypy_cache
  | \.tox
  | \.venv
  | venv
  | \.local
  | \.pytest_cache
  | _build
  | buck-out
  | build
  | dist
  | migrations


Now you can run black . and resolve any linting issues you will encounter ; either in a virtual environment or in your docker image.

To use black in a CI, you don’t want the format to be enforced but just to report not compliant lines so that you can fix them. To do so, you can use the check option:

black --check .


Install and configure

To use isort, the package must be installed by adding the following line to requirements/ci.txt:


Paste the following lines to pyproject.toml to configure the tool:

py_version = 311
multi_line_output = 3
include_trailing_comma = true
skip_glob = ["venv/*", "**/migrations/**"]
profile = "black"


Now you can run isort . and resolve any linting issues you will encounter ; either in a virtual environment or in your docker image.

To use isort in a CI, you don’t want the format to be enforced but just to report not compliant lines so that you can fix them. To do so, you can use the check option:

isort --check .